
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Self Checkout

The BF and I had a snow day together earlier in the week.  We weren't about to shovel and clean off our car because we had nowhere to be.  But we were hungry and nothing in the kitchen sounded good.  We're lucky enough to have a grocery store we can walk to and took full advantage of that and trudged through the snow for some nom noms. 

After going through the self checkout, the BF commented how awesome it is you don't have to have a single human contact while running errands. 

And you know what?  He is completely right!

Gone are the days of being greeted by eager (or apathetic, depending on where you go) employees as soon as you enter a store.  And gone are the days of obligingly having to chat up with the check out person.

It's now the age of being able to get the shit you need and go, without a single human interaction.

God, I love self checkouts.

*And on a sidenote, I love self checkouts as long as I have a couple of items.  I cannot stand it when someone is scanning a cart full of crap and is holding the line up.  In an instance like that, I feel a live cashier is the best way to go. 

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